Hair loss due to the pill


Taking the contraceptive pill can cause unwanted side effects. For example, some women are affected by increased Hair loss affected. This can be done both within the general intake occur, as well as post-weaning. The trigger for the increased hair loss is seen in the oral contraceptive especially some progestogens. How the woman reacts to these always varies.

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The effect of the pill on female hormone levels

The patient's hormone balance is strongly influenced by taking the oral contraceptive. The aim is to reduce this strongly so that mature eggs and a uterine lining do not form. It should be noted that the hormones contained in the contraceptive pill can also influence the rest of the body. The effect depends on the composition of the contraceptive and the hormonal balance of the woman herself. Many women report that the contraceptive pill has given them nicer skin and fuller hair. Others suffer from spotting, acne and hair loss as side effects.

The influence of progestin on the female body

Pills usually contain a form of a progestogen. The synthetically produced hormones are modelled on progesterone in their composition. However, while the female body is able to produce progesterone itself, this is not the case with progestins. For contraception, progestins are used either in combination with oestrogens or as a single therapy. There are some synthetically produced progestins that can cause increased loss of head hair in many women. Known for this effect are, for example, levonorgestrel or tibolone.

This form of progestogens causes a strong androgenic effect. Basically, the hormonal contraceptive supplies the body with an increased amount of female hormones. The effect on the hair can be positive. However, the positive effect is reduced by the combination with the aforementioned progestogens. Women who react very strongly to dihydrotestosterone, i.e. the male sex hormone, are then more prone to hair loss. In technical jargon, this is called androgenetic hair loss. Alopecia. Some hormonal contraceptive pills have progestins that are less androgenic. These are gestodene or desogestrel. Women who suffer from severe hair loss can discuss switching to one of these birth control pills with their gynecologist.

Androgenetic alopecia in detail

About 95 % of hair loss in both men and women is based on Androgenetic Alopecia. Normally this is a constitutional hair loss. Due to the hormonal contraceptive, this particular hair loss can also occur suddenly. However, the basis for this is also here that the affected woman reacts very sensitively to the male sexual hormones. This is not the case for all women who take birth control pills. If hair loss increases while taking the oral contraceptive, androgenetic alopecia may have developed. In this case, it is helpful to change the pill. This should always be done in consultation with the doctor treating you. He or she can check which alternative formulation or which other contraceptive method is suitable to bring the hormone balance back into equilibrium. The loss of hair on the head can usually be reduced in this way.

Sudden hair loss after stopping the pill

Hair loss does not always have to be due to a reaction to the progestogens. It is also possible that it only occurs when you stop taking the pill. In this case, it can be assumed that the falling oestrogen level is the trigger. The woman's oestrogen level is kept at a constant level during the time she takes the pill. If the hormonal contraceptive is discontinued, it drops rapidly within a short period of time. This can have an influence on the growth stage of the hair.

Scalp hairs, which have been in the dormant stage until now, are now changing into the Failure stage. This is usually only a temporary problem. As soon as the Hormone levels the hair loss will also decrease. However, you have to allow about six months for this. Hair loss after discontinuation of the oral contraceptive is comparable with a frequently occurring Hair loss after pregnancy. Furthermore, the woman's body undergoes a hormonal change. At the same time, more hair than usual changes into the shedding stage.

Tips for hair loss - that can help

If the hair leaves in a seemingly large amount under the influence of the birth control pill, this has hormonal causes and only a change of the preparation can lead to a permanent solution. However, it is useful to promote growth and support the hair nevertheless. The following tips offer some assistance.

The right hairbrush

Many head hairs are lost because the false brushes can be used. In addition to increased hair loss, this can further reduce hair density. Optimal are brushes that are equipped with Boar bristles are provided. They promote blood circulation and thus stimulate hair growth.

reduce stress

Stress can affect the hair growth cycle and cause hair to fall out faster. It is generally good to avoid stressful situations or have it reduced. Then you will not have to deal with the consequences of tension hair loss.

Support through preparations

It is helpful to provide the hair with vitamins and nutrients. For this purpose the Laduti Hair Growth Serum. It comes completely without hormones and also contains no minoxidil. You do not have to deal with any side effects and do not burden your body. Instead, your hair roots receive many nutrients.

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Do not wash hair so often

This tip can also help to reduce the failure. Usually it is enough to Wash hair once or twice a week. Hot water and combing your head hair while it is still wet will damage the structure. This will cause your hair to be pulled out. Increased level of care will not reduce hair loss caused by the pill alone. In addition, you can by Dry shampoo and makeup wash counteract your greasy hair. The tips just mentioned refer to the support of the body. Changing the preparation is the basic recommendation to get fuller and beautiful hair again.


Hair loss due to birth control pills is not uncommon. While this seems to make some women's skin and head hair even more beautiful, others are severely affected by Acne and thinning hair. The reason for this may be temporary androgenetic alopecia. The increased reaction of the body to the male sex hormones can often only be brought under control by changing the preparation. Nevertheless, do something good for your body with a balanced diet.

FAQ - Questions and answers

Why can taking the pill lead to increased hair loss? occur?

The trigger is an increased reaction to the androgens contained in the pill. The male sex hormones promote the loss of hair in those affected.

How to counteract hair loss?

If the hair loss does not stop even after a longer period of use, it should be decided with the doctor to change the preparation.

Why does the hair fall out after stopping the pill?

If hair loss increases after stopping the pill, this is due to changes in hormone levels. The body has usually adjusted after half a year and the loss of hair subsides.

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