Hair loss during pregnancy - When the babies come and the hair goes


With the desire to have a child and the birth, the great happiness is as if pre-programmed. Parents and child find each other. But what if the hair suddenly falls out afterwards? The way to the birth of the child is a long one and afterwards the loss of the hair can cause quite a lot of excitement for the woman. But you don't have to resign yourself to this fate. We at Laduti tell you Tips how you can better deal with the situation. Why does it actually arise Hair loss in pregnancy and what exactly happens in the organism? What can be done about this problem? We want to get to the bottom of the causes.

Hair loss during pregnancy - Why is the hair strong and shiny at first?

The Hair loss usually does not occur during pregnancy, but afterwards. This is called postpartum effluvium. The hair on the head then falls out 8-16 weeks after the delivery of the child. The good thing is that this is not a chronic condition, but an acute one. It is an acute telogen effluvium. The term "telogen" is used when describing the hair growth process. While the hair grows and it is thus in the growth phase (anagen), it enters the resting phase (telogen).

From conception until the child's birthday, the woman's hair is in a pronounced growth phase. The hair is radiant and shiny. When the telogen effluvium then begins, this is a diffuse hair loss. The hair on the head falls out evenly and bald patches do not appear. This type of hair loss has parallels with a loss of hair due to stress which is limited in time - depending on how long one is under the Stress stands. Although the resting phase can cause a lot of nerves, it stops again on its own.

When the child comes into the world, this is an incisive and formative experience in the life of the mother. She is subjected to many physical changes during this time. So it is not surprising when the inner balance begins to waver and you have to prepare yourself for new problems.

Why are hormones to blame?

Pregnant hair loss

What happens physically to the expectant mother has a direct impact on the time afterwards. An increased growth phase, which leads to a longer resting phase, results from the increased oestrogen level. In addition to this sex hormone, the female hormones HCG and progesterone are increasingly released. But what are these hormones actually needed for?

  • Estrogen: Sufficient estrogen strengthens the uterus and ensures that the egg comes to maturity. In addition, the cardiovascular system must be improved and the amount of blood increased. Also, the skin and hair shine and become more powerful.
  • HCG: It acts as a driving force for the increase in estrogen levels. This hormone can also be used in pregnancy tests to determine whether you are pregnant or not. When fertilisation occurs, oestrogen is released in greater quantities. HCG also triggers the frequent nausea during this time.
  • Progesterone: Among other things, this hormone provides an increase in blood flow and prepares for milk production. Side effects include mainly heartburn or problems with bowel movements. If the progesterone level drops, the loss of hair can also be a side effect. This sometimes refers to a hormonal disorder, which at the same time is accompanied by a lack of menstrual bleeding.

Also the male hormones (androgens) can change the growth of hair during pregnancy period. When they are formed more and appear in the hair roots, baldness occurs in the corresponding areas. They can also increase in the woman, so that, for example. receding hairline are not only found in men. At the same time, the growth on the face and body increases. The tendency to acne and pimples is increased.

What are the effects of thyroid hormones?

A mild hypothyroidism often leads to fatigue, lack of concentration or loss of hair. This is not dangerous for the mother, but can have a negative effect on the newborn. The risk of miscarriage or premature birth increases. The woman needs more hormones during her pregnancy and so the demand for hormone production is 50 % higher than usual. The first signs reveal whether the metabolism has slowed down in the case of hypothyroidism.

  • Fatigue
  • Lack of concentration
  • Muscle pain
  • hair loss
  • Cold feeling

Particularly pregnant women should make sure that they have sufficient Iodine supply. The increased demand is 230 to 260 micrograms daily. This trace element ensures that the metabolism and the cardiovascular system are regulated. This takes place in interaction with the thyroid hormones.

If humans do not have enough iodine available to them, they can Hair loss can be a symptom. Then the hair follicles cease to regenerate. The growth process of the follicles is controlled by the thyroid hormones.

The best care without additional hormones

Once the hormone balance is upset, it can also lead to mood swings. All the better if you can counteract this with the right care products. The best product can already have a mood-lifting effect.

Laduti Hair Serum


Our Laduti hair loss treatment renounces hormones and Minoxidil. With the natural active ingredients, it is great for both sexes -. also for women during pregnancy.

When iron deficiency leads to loss of hair

Not only the hair growth is affected by Iron deficiency influenced, but also on the babies. In this regard, the rate of a deficiency during this period is even more than 30 % of women studied. Deficiency could be present in the following symptoms.

  • Fatigue
  • Nervousness
  • Headache
  • Paleness
  • Anemia
  • hair loss

However, the deficiency has even greater effects on the child. For example, the development of the brain and the thyroid gland is impaired. The risk of miscarriage and premature birth is greater and the birth weight is reduced. At the same time, there is a deficiency of the thyroid hormone thyroid because there is not enough iron.

With the right diet, you can easily do something for your health. Pregnant women in particular benefit from iron-rich foods. Breastfeeding will then also be easier when your baby needs to be supplied with sufficient nutrients.

  • Black Pudding
  • Liver
  • Beef ham
  • Calf's liver
  • Oatmeal
  • Wheat bran
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Sesame
  • Legumes
  • Flaxseed

When utilizing this nutrient, it is absorbed 3 times better from meat than from plant foods.


Losing your hair is not a nice thing. Especially when the nerves are on edge, the woman does not want to be confronted with problems concerning her hair. In most cases, however, the problem of hair loss only occurs after the birth of the child. Basically, it is always important to ensure that enough nutrients are absorbed. Iron and iodine are indispensable. Thyroid values should also be checked regularly in order to draw conclusions about the hormone balance of the pregnant woman. Both as a preventive measure and as a supplement, we recommend our Care products.

Hair Growth Laduti Care Products


FAQ - Questions and answers

What can I do about losing my hair during pregnancy?

Screenings at the doctor can help to detect, for example, a nutrient deficiency or an underactive thyroid. In addition, mild care products should be used for your scalp. Your hair should also be treated gently - no heavy brushing, pulling or braiding. Ideally, your hair should be worn loose.

What helps for hair loss during breastfeeding?

In the Breastfeeding diffuse loss of hair may occur. This is more likely to happen if the mother has not taken in enough nutrients. The drop in oestrogen levels also plays an important role.

How do I avoid a "nursing pony"?

Still bangs" are small hairs that fly around the forehead and appear out of nowhere. This phenomenon is also due to hormones and a lack of nutrients. The child likes to get stuck in the hair of his mother and so there are a few less on the head.

When does the hair growth process return to normal?

About nine months after the baby's birthday, the hair growth process should be completely back to normal. Until then, suitable means such as Laduti - Anti Hair Loss Shampoo can be a valuable help.

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