Can castor oil promote beard growth?

Castor Oil Beard Growth

It should already be known that castor oil is used against all kinds of problems. But can it also combat beard hair loss and be used for beard care? A thick, well-groomed beard is the figurehead for every convinced beard wearer, which is why men often dig deep into their pockets to achieve this goal. In the style of Brad Pitt, George Clooney and Co., facial hair is associated with a man who is worth looking at and successful, and who has a high degree of trend awareness. The main problem, however, is usually the irregular, sparse Beard growth with irregularities and bald patches, which are particularly noticeable with dark beard hair. Out of shame, many men shave off their beard completely instead of letting it grow further.

The Laduti Hair Growth Serum Sync and corrected by dr.jackson for Hair loss is not only ideal against the loss of hair on the head, but also against the loss of beard hair. Thanks to its natural ingredients, it is completely safe and works after a few months of regular use.

Laduti Hair Serum

Castor oil as a tool for beard care

Castor oil can be used for even beard growth and strong beard hair. It is also perfect for beard care as it provides soft hair, moisture and a healthy shine. However, test your tolerance to the beard growth product on an inconspicuous area such as the forearm before applying to the face, as some people are sensitive to it. This can result in skin irritation such as inflammation or redness. Therefore, it is advisable to use a carrier oil with which castor oil can be mixed.

Oils such as coconut, jojoba, almond, apricot kernel, grape, argan or avocado oil are particularly suitable. To mask the strong inherent odour of castor oil, you can add essential oils such as bergamot or rosemary oil. Orange, lemon, vanilla or lemongrass oil smell particularly good. The latter is especially recommended to accelerate beard growth. But beware: The use of natural essential oil can be irritating to the skin. If you have sensitive skin, you can use nature-identical or synthetic oils instead.

Castor oil ingredients

In order to achieve the best possible results, you should pay attention to cold-pressed oil fall back, because with a refined product the valuable ingredients are lost, which are essential not only your beard, but also for your skin, hair and eyelashes. The toxic ricin from the hull of a castor seed is removed through the special manufacturing process. This is first peeled and then cold pressed, allowing the oil to be used without hesitation. The positive response from users of the slightly yellowish, thick oil is great. Regular use can improve the Collagen production which restores elasticity to your stressed skin. It contains the following healthy ingredients, among others, which penetrate the hard structure of your beard, making it not only shinier, but also more elastic as well as stronger:

  • Ricinoleic acid kills germs due to its anti-inflammatory effect
  • Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect and thus protects for free radicals
  • essential fatty acids for the care of velvety skin

The correct use of castor oil

Castor oil supports the care and promotes the shine of your hair and beard hair. In addition, the beard growth product is said to stimulate the blood circulation of the skin and thus the Accelerate the growth of beard hair. It is not only suitable to fight bald spots, but also to boost beard growth, strengthen the beard hair and achieve a nourishing effect. However, so that the positive effects of the oil are fully exploited and your beard hair grow, you should follow the following steps:

  • When mixing, start with the carrier oils first and then add the essential oils. Be sure to add no more than five to ten drops of essential oil per 30 ml.
  • The mixing ratio with the carrier oil rosemary oil should be 3:1, corresponding to three parts castor oil and one part rosemary oil.
  • Use 10 ml of avocado oil as well as 15 ml of castor oil or 9 ml of coconut oil and 21 ml of castor oil. Avocado oil is perfect for relieving itching during beard growth. Coconut oil smells pleasant and in combination with five drops of vanilla and four drops of orange oil.
  • If you prefer almond oil and apricot kernel oil, mix 10 ml of both oils with 10 ml of castor oil.
  • The finished beard oil you should best every evening extensively massage into the beard and leave overnight. The use after shaving or showering is also recommended.
  • A regular application of a few weeks is necessary to get an efficient result. After about two to three weeks you can notice the first successes.
  • Castor oil can be used if you want a three-day beard as well as a full beard.
  • Store the oil in the fridge to keep it for a long time and prevent it from going rancid. The cooling effect when applied will refresh you in the same move.
  • Avoid using huge amounts of the product, because the skin can only absorb a certain amount of oil. This way, the product will last for some time and your pillow will stay clean.
  • Tip: To stimulate the hair follicles, you can use a fine-toothed comb to brush through your beard several times a day. Not only the tip of the hair, but also the hair root is thus strengthened and the positive side effect is a neat and tidy beard.


Castor oil is not only a natural and inexpensive alternative against hair loss and hair growth problems in beard and eyelashes, but also has a nourishing effect on skin and hair. However, you should be patient for a few weeks until you can see the first positive results. Be sure to buy refined products that contain all the necessary and valuable ingredients for healthy beard growth. Be sure to mix the castor oil with a carrier oil to avoid skin irritation. If you do not want to mix the beard oil yourself, you can buy ready-made products as a mixture with a carrier oil. Use only a few drops of an essential oil as an additive, as this can have a skin-irritating effect and otherwise emits too intense a scent.

Equally purely natural as well as without hormones and without Minoxidil it has the effect of Laduti Hair Growth Serum for hair loss that is not congenital. However, if you suffer from severe beard hair loss, this may have other causes such as Stressa disturbed hormone balance or a malnutrition and should be checked out by a doctor. Have your testosterone level checked for an imbalance of testosterone. In addition, hair growth and therefore also beard growth is genetically determined.

Hair Growth Laduti Care Products

FAQ - Questions and answers

What is castor oil exactly?

The oil consists mainly of ricinoleic acid, essential fatty acids and vitamin E.

How can castor oil help to regrow beard hair?

Just like garlic, the oil has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, the ingredients can stimulate the blood circulation of the facial skin and promote the care and growth of the beard.

Is castor oil harmful?

The use of pure castor oil can cause skin irritation. Therefore, always use the oil with at least one carrier oil.

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