Hereditary hair loss in men and women

Already for generations inherited Hair loss Topic in your family and already your grandfather and father had to struggle with it? So if you were hoping that you would be spared from genetic hair loss, you've done the math without genetics. This form of hair loss is not only the most common, but also the only type where no external factors have an impact on it. Recognize the Hair loss early, a long-term success can be achieved with the right therapy or the loss of hair can at least be delayed.

What is hereditary hair loss?

Genetic hair loss is also called androgenetic Alopecia and can occur at different stages of life. Experts refer to the onset in young adulthood in the mid-20s as the Early Wildfire. If the hair loss begins about 10 years later, it is called early smoldering is the term used to describe the age of 40. For the beginning of 40 experts use the term late onset.

Hereditary hair loss stands out when hair becomes increasingly thinner and thinner. Contrary to all assumptions, both men and women are affected by genetic hair loss, although it occurs more frequently in men. This manifests itself in gender-specific symptoms. Responsible for hair loss are primarily hormones. Accordingly, in addition to mood swings, the loss of hair can also have hormonal causes.

7 stages of male hair loss

The hereditary male pattern baldness will be after the Hamilton-Norwood classification divided into seven different stages of the expression of hair loss. Stage I describes the original state of the head of hair and stage VII is synonymous with a full bald head. The scheme was developed in 1951 by Dr. James Hamilton and expanded in 1975 by Dr. O'Tar Norwood.

Stage I

The hair is currently in stage I and still in a normal state, because it shows only minimal changes, if any. The whole head is completely hairy and only in the area of the temples the hair could slowly thin out.

Stage II

In stage II, you will notice that a slowly progressive hairlessness can be seen in the areas around the temples and forehead. Indentations of the hairline at the temples, also referred to as receding hairline known, are now readily apparent.

Stage III

In the following stage, the indentations have become more pronounced and gradually spread towards the back of the head. The end of this stage marks the halfway point of the Hamilton-Norwood classification, so to speak.

Stage IV

The frontal loss continues to increase in phase 4. Now the approach of a half baldness is already recognizable and circular hair loss apparent.

Stage V

In the 5th stage, the hair loss on the temple and back of the head is far advanced. Thus a form can be recognized on the head, which seems to be comparable with a horseshoe. Occasionally, tiny stripes of hair are still visible in the crown and forehead area, but hairlessness soon occurs at this point as well.

Stage VI

The bald patches scattered over the head melt into each other at a slow pace and the hair begins to fall out to the sides.

Level VII

The last stage of the Hamilton-Norwood classification is reached and a full bald head is achieved. At this stage there is no longer any hair growth, but only a narrow band of hair can be seen extending from the ears to the back of the head.

3 stages of female hair loss

Also for the androgenetic Hair loss in women there is a classification model, which is called Ludwig Scheme is called. It was developed by Dr. Ludwig in 1977, two years after the expansion of the Hamilton-Noorwood scheme for hereditary hair loss in men.

Stage I

At the beginning, the female hair thins only in the parting area. This is visible when the hair is worn with a middle parting. In addition, hair fringe is already visible at the hairline directly on the scalp.

Stage II

The middle and at the same time second stage is reached as soon as the hair thins conspicuously in the crown area and the hair loss can no longer be completely hidden. However, depending on how you style your hair, you can cleverly hide the hair loss, provided there is still enough healthy hair.

Stage III

Women very rarely find themselves in the last stage. However, if the hair loss progresses to the point that baldness appears in the front and on the side, stage 3 of the Ludwig scheme is fully reached. Only a fringe of hair remains on the entire head area.

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The hair growth cycle is disturbed

Every single human hair goes through a hair growth cycle, which is responsible for a full and healthy hair. If a hair has reached the end of this cycle after a few years, a new one forms after it has fallen out. However, if this natural course of hair development is irritated, it happens that hairs do not fall out regularly, but possibly all at once.

An active metabolite of the male hormone testosterone is responsible for genetic hair loss. This metabolite is called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Both men and women have the hormone testosterone in their hormone balance, although the proportion is significantly lower in women. For this reason, hereditary hair loss can also affect both sexes.

Growth phase

The hair growth cycle begins with the anagen phase. In this first stage of hair development, hair follicles divide, which ultimately gives rise to new hairs. In the period of about 30 days, a single hair grows an average of 1 cm. About 80 % of the total hair on the head is in the growth phase. The hair is in this phase for two to six years.

Transition phase

The growth phase is followed by the transition phase, which is also referred to as the catagen phase is called. At this stage of the cycle, growth stops and no new hair cells are produced. This results in a constriction of the follicles at the end. Less than 5 % of the hair population is in this stage. This phase covers a period of approximately 14 days.


The telogen phase represents the final phase in the hair growth cycle before the hair roots go through the process again. The hairs are in this phase for several weeks before they finally fall out. Around 15 % of hair is in the resting phase. After that, the hair root has new strength to start growing.

Hormone DHT

However, the hair growth cycle described above is different in people with androgenetic alopecia. The duration of the growth phase (anagen phase) is shortened over time and accordingly hair loss occurs prematurely after thinning hair has formed. The hormone DHT is responsible for the disturbances of the cycle. In addition, the following occurs in patients with hereditary hair loss:

  • Constriction of the blood vessels: Due to a constriction, the follicles can no longer be supplied with all the necessary nutrients. The consequence of the deficiency is a regression of the follicles.
  • Growth phase shortened: Without nutrients, the hair can no longer grow and therefore the phase shortens drastically.
  • Rest period extended: The hair is now much longer in the resting phase than intended. For this reason, the entire cycle is shortened and the duration of the process is reduced.
  • Quick failure: Due to the disturbed growth, the hair grows less, does not have a strong and full structure and falls out.

Can hereditary hair loss be treated?

Inherited is inherited. Even treatment methods can't change that in the long run. However, as long as you use the right treatments, you can keep hereditary hair loss in check.

But be quick and get treated rather too early than too late, because rapid action should be taken to save the heart of your hair, that is, the root. However, only after some time the drug treatment shows effect and thus your effect. Means can be:

  • Finasteride: Is a drug that is administered for androgen-induced hair loss and is available by prescription.
  • Minoxidil: Originally developed for high blood pressure, it has also been used for hair loss since 1988.
  • Nutritional supplements: They should be used in moderation and support the immune system by supplying vitamins and Zinc support.

Once you stop a treatment, the hair loss will return in no time. Therefore, with the help of a doctor, you should find out which treatment method is best for you. Any remedy can also lead to Side effects lead.

Cosmetic possibilities

Additional treatments with various care products such as hair shampoos or cures do not always help. Cosmetic treatments can strengthen your self-esteem and give you new courage. Because hereditary hair loss will accompany you throughout your life and therefore a consistent confrontation with it is all the more important.

Advantageous hairstyle

Especially the ladies can hide bald spots with a skillful haircut. Visit the hairdresser you trust and talk about your problems. Together you will find a solution.


If the hair loss is progressing rapidly and you are completely dissatisfied with it, a hair transplant is also an option. Consult a professional for advice.


Caps or beanies have long since ceased to be merely stylistic accessories; rather, for some people they already function as hair substitutes. The headgear can be coloured or neutral - depending on the occasion.

Wig/Hair System

Wigs are not only worn for carnival or fancy dress. There are also human hair wigs for everyday life, which patients with hereditary hair loss like to wear. The advantage: with these wigs people are extremely changeable and can also change wigs at whim.


A beautiful life despite hereditary hair loss - that is the motto. To achieve this, you should take care of your hair all the better. As soon as you recognize the first signs of hair loss, do not hesitate and get help from a professional. Additionally, you should take the best care of your hair right then. Our Products from Laduti such as the Hair shampoo help you to provide your hair with the necessary nutrients on a purely natural basis. Inform yourself now!

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FAQ - Questions and answers


How does hereditary hair loss develop?

Hormones are mainly responsible for hair loss. Depending on the onset of the first stage, one's hair is in the Early Wildfire, Early Smoldering or Late Oneset phase. This corresponds to an age of about 25, 35 or 40. The genes play an important role, so that the development of hair loss can not be prevented.

What can be done for hereditary hair loss?

With this type of hair loss, there is naturally nothing that can be done against the final loss of the hair. But you can protect the hair from damage as much as possible. This requires gentle care. Finasteride or minoxidil are medicinal substances that can be used to stop hair loss. Food supplements like Biotin can have a supporting effect.

How do I conceal a bald head or bald spots?

With the right hairstyle bald spots become less noticeable. A consultation with a hairdresser is suitable for this. In addition, a wig can help in many cases, or caps and hats. Hair transplants are also an option for some.

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