Tension hair loss: When the scalp is under tension

Tension hair loss

Tension hair loss, in technical jargon also called alopecia contentionalis is the loss of human scalp hair. This is especially in the areas of the forehead, temple and tonsure, the so-called "Triangle of Tension", most pronounced. Tension hair loss in women is usually noticeable by a thinning of the hair in the mentioned zones as well as in the crown area.

To relax your hair

About 15 to 20 drops of the Laduti Hair Growth Serum and massage it in with circular movements for about one minute. However, a head massage only serves as a supportive therapy measure and should be combined with the right care behaviour and a healthy eating go hand in hand. The application must also be carried out regularly.

Laduti Hair Serum

The classical explanatory model is not sufficient

For a long time it was unclear why the absolute majority of men, starting with typical "receding hairline" between the ages of 20 and 25, suffer from hereditary hair loss (androgenetic Alopecia) suffers. The assumption that the androgen Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) The assumption that DHT is the cause for the death of the hair roots proves to be insufficient due to the position of the bald spots on the top of the head. The increased secretion of testosterone in the blood or a hypersensitivity of the hair follicles to the DHT formed from testosterone would result in a uniform hair loss over the entire skull. The same applies to the explanation attempt that the arterial blood flow is decisively responsible for the alopecia. An inadequate explanation is also supported by excessive hair growth on other parts of the body, especially on the back and chest in the male sex.

Causes and symptoms of tension hair loss

The cell division and metabolic activity of a hair matrix cell is eight times higher than that of normal skin cells, in order to Keratin formation to ensure the build-up of the hair substance. Fluctuations within their local metabolic system due to external disturbing factors are therefore not uncommon.

What gives rise to this specific form?

The human skull is surrounded by a system of muscle fibers that normally slacken or contract. This muscular process enables, for example, the displacement of the scalp. Due to StressHowever, excessive concentration or immense mental stress can lead to tension of the superficial cranial muscles due to the interconnectedness of the muscles with the scalp. Alopecia is therefore also associated with increased wrinkling of the forehead, protruding of the superficial temporal artery and nocturnal teeth grinding. In extreme cases, the affected person feels a constant burning and tingling sensation (trichodynia).

Metabolic processes and mechanical factors influencing hair loss

Filigree blood vessels that directly supply the hair follicles are squeezed and reduced in their cross-section. This not only leads to an insufficient supply of oxygen, blood and nutrients in the scalp areas, but also to a reduced removal of metabolic products. The degradation product dihydrotestosterone plays a special role here, which is why it is mainly men who suffer from this condition. Hair loss suffer. If it is not removed in time and accumulates at the receptors of the follicles, they can eventually degenerate. In the long run, the hair becomes thinning, gets a straw-like consistency and falls out. Hair that grows back also falls out earlier and loses length and thickness.

Achieve the same effect exogenous influences such as wearing tight headgear, long, heavy hair braided at the nape of the neck, benign cysts on the Hair root (atheromas) or an excessively tense scalp due to face lifting.

Signs of tension hair loss at a glance

The Symptoms the tense muscles of the skull and the associated hair loss in detail:

  • Insufficient oxygen, nutrient and blood supply to the scalp
  • Reduction of metabolic product disposal
  • Thinning of the regrowing hair
  • Increased wrinkling of the forehead
  • protuberance of the temporal artery
  • Night grinding of teeth
  • Persistent scalp burning

Therapies for tension hair loss

Within the research for hair loss there were and are more or less promising measures. In the 80s, the scalp was still surgically separated from the muscles. However, this procedure is no longer practiced.

Classical approaches to alopecia

Established approaches to hair loss include 5-a-reductase inhibitors, nutritional supplements, surgical or cosmetic procedures, and blood flow enhancement. However, the effect of the different procedures is limited because they do not address the cause of the muscular tension in the skin. 5-a-reductase inhibitors reduce serum DHT levels by about half. However, if tension is present, there is a limited effect. The solution can in no way be the supply of vitamins to the follicles, the transplantation of hairpieces or the wearing of wigs. Stimulating the blood flow of the scalp through appropriate medication is also not sufficient.

Goal-oriented forms of treatment

A targeted therapy addresses the cause of the muscular tension directly. Its aim is to consistently reduce the tension and to achieve optimal oxygen saturation. Relaxing the scalp should lead to normalised blood circulation and the removal of DHT. The order of the natural metabolism is restored in this way and hair growth is stimulated. A wide variety of procedures are used to achieve consistent muscle relaxation:

  • One example would be AC drug therapy by injection of a peripherally acting Muscle Relaxer in the forehead, temple and back of the head area. The increased muscle-relaxing effect of the preparation as well as an optimised blood, oxygen and nutrient supply have already been successfully proven in medicine in various areas. Thus it can be used not only for Tension headache and migraine but also to loosen the spasticity after a stroke. The procedure is considered fast-acting and begins after a few days. The effect lasts for about half a year.
  • Japanese AC therapy in the form of a pneumatic device is another procedure for treating tension hair loss. Here, the subject wears a so-called AC-Tension Reliever, which is placed around the head like a headband, for about two hours a day. The circularly arranged air cushions are inflated by means of a hand pump. This process causes a gentle stretching of the skin, which is supposed to reduce the skin tension. The aim of the treatment is to achieve a more favourable oxygen and blood supply.
  • Another alternative is the so-called Bio-Feedback is represented by the Thereby measure Electrodes as with the typical EMG measurement the tension of the muscles directly on the scalp. Through acoustic and optical signals, the patient learns which muscle areas are tense. In this way, the affected areas can be specifically relaxed. Patients are recommended to do a daily training of at least ten minutes.
  • The most natural form of therapy is autogenic training and yoga. With the help of breathing and relaxation exercises twice a day for at least 20 minutes, the first effects of improved hair growth can be observed. However, the first effects of improved hair growth can only be observed after several months of intensive relaxation training.

Scalp massage or hair transplant for hair loss?

There Stress is a typical trigger for tension hair loss, a Massage of the scalp may well have a positive effect on hair quality and support hair growth. But what about the transplantation of scalp hair?

Supportive massages

A gentle Massage with oils not only has a relaxing effect, but also stimulates the blood circulation. When washing your hair, the application can be easily integrated into your daily routine to save time. Using a brush or comb as an additional tool to massage with the hand helps to remove dead skin flakes from the scalp. Natural bristles are better for supplying the hair with essential nutrients and oxygen. If the person also suffers from an oily or dry scalp, massage can also help to reduce or stimulate excessive or insufficient sebum production. Regular brush massages improve the respiratory activity of the scalp.

Hair transplantation as a way out?

A Hair Transplant as a countermeasure of tension hair loss is not very promising. The hair would fall out again due to the tension of the scalp muscles. Only after successful treatment of tension hair loss and in case of already dead follicles, hair transplantation helps to improve the quality of life. Hair is taken from the back of the head, the area with the least tension.


The fight for hair loss, especially tension hair loss requires a high degree of self-discipline. The applications are usually time-consuming and stressful for those affected. Stress should be avoided at all costs. Stress Management Seminars help patients cope better with unpleasant situations and pressure. With the help of a psychotherapist can within a Behavioral Therapy Behavioural patterns are generated anew.

As a supportive measure, massages and the use of oils are never wrong. So that the Blood flow of the scalp can circulate better, the Products from Ladutithat have been specially adapted to your hair. In conjunction with a change in your diet and daily habits can work wonders.

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FAQ - Questions and answers

What exactly is tension hair loss?

Tension hair loss, as the term implies, means hair loss due to tension on the scalp.

How does the specialist examine tension hair loss?

Within the main application area of neurology, electromyography (EMG) can be used to measure electrical muscle activity using electrodes. Adhesive electrodes are attached to the scalp in the upper third of the skull.

What is the treatment for tension hair loss?

There are various therapeutic approaches. Those affected can reduce stress themselves with relaxation exercises and scalp massages, as well as improve the blood circulation and respiratory activity of the scalp. There are also medical measures. In particular, the administration of a muscle relaxant should counteract the hair loss.

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