This is how amino acids help against hair loss!

Amino acids for hair loss

No doubt about it: Hair loss can be very stressful for the psyche, because with each excessively falling hair, self-confidence also becomes less. After all, beautiful, full hair stands for beauty, health and youthfulness! Unhealthy nutrition without vitamins, a lack of Zinc or iron, more negative StressHormonal fluctuations in women, predisposition or diseases can be possible triggers for the problem. Sometimes hair loss is simply hereditary. Your individual Causes you should consider for long-lasting hair loss It is essential to consult a dermatologist.

But don't worry: there is always a solution to your problem! Often, amino acid capsules can help to counteract or even prevent the problem in a natural way. Here you can find out everything about this topic!

What are amino acids - and how do they work against hair loss?

Amino acids are the basic components of proteins. They are important for building and maintaining our tissue. Without them, wounds cannot heal and muscles cannot be built. However, what many people do not know: Amino acids are also very important for bones, nails, skin and hair! However, this does not apply to all amino acids - there are hundreds! And only some of them have a positive effect on your hair. These include the following: 

  • Methionine
  • Cysteine
  • Arginine
  • Lysine
  • Glycine
  • Proline
  • Tyrosine
  • Glutamine

These amino acids help against hair loss in very different ways. Arginine, for example, has a vasodilatory effect. This can greatly improve the blood flow to your scalp and thus the nutrient supply to your hair. Other amino acids combine to form collagen in the body. This is the protein that gives your hair more stability. This immediately makes it look stronger!

Methionine - the most important amino acid against hair loss!

Amino acids for hair loss

Methionine is considered the most effective amino acid against hair loss! It plays a major role in the formation of another amino acid: cysteine. Both protein building blocks in turn play a central role in the formation of keratin in the body. And this is the so-called hair structure protein. It is responsible for building up, maintaining and at the same time regenerating the hair. Only when the body produces enough keratin can the hair regenerate. Methionine is one of the essential amino acids, but unfortunately your body cannot produce it itself. This means that you have to take the amino acid daily through your food or dietary supplements.

These foods contain methionine: 

  • Brazil nuts
  • Sesame
  • Soybeans
  • Peas
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli

In order to have the greatest possible effect, your body needs methionine in sufficient quantities every day. And if you don't want to constantly count amino acids, this is not so easy to achieve. That's why we recommend taking amino acid supplements that supply your body with all the important amino acids in one go! 

When do we speak of hair loss at all?

Humans lose up to 100 hairs a day and this is quite normal because old hairs have to fall out to make room for new ones. However, this hair loss usually happens with a time lag, because the hair is in different phases of the hair growth cycle. This exists:

  • Growth phase: It usually lasts three to seven years and affects 85% of your hair.
  • Resting phase: Here, virtually nothing happens. It lasts about three weeks and affects 1% of the hair!
  • Failure phase: In this phase, a new hair is already growing back while the old one is falling out. It lasts about three months and affects an average of 14% of the hair!

One only speaks of hair loss as a problem when one loses more than 100 hairs a day over a longer period of time. 

These are the forms of hair loss

Hair loss manifests itself in these different forms:

  • Diffuse hair loss: In this form, the hair evenly decreases all over the head. It is usually triggered by nutrient deficiencies, hormone fluctuations, thyroid diseases, infections or stress. 
  • Androgenetic hair loss: In this case, the hair grows back thinner overall and at some point usually no longer grows at all. The problem here is a hypersensitivity of the hair roots to male hormones. Due to the effect of the hormones, the hair roots shrink until, in the worst case, they wither away completely. 
  • Circular hair loss: This is where circular bald patches develop. The trigger is a misdirected attack of the immune system on the hair roots. These are temporarily "switched off" or even permanently destroyed.

This is how Laduti Hair Serum effectively helps against hair loss! 

If you want to be extra effective against your hair loss, you should use our Laduti Hair Serum! Laduti penetrates deep into the scalp, where it supplies your hair roots with the power active ingredient Biotin and other important substances from nature - such as ginseng, Rosemary or hyaluronic acid. Laduti promotes long-term hair growth and also gives your hair a beautiful shine.

The hair follicles are strengthened from the inside, making the hair structure more resistant overall. Our Hair Serum is free of hormones and does not contain any Minoxidilwhich can cause very unpleasant side effects. The product has been dermatologically tested and rated "very good". There are no side effects. Be sure to give it a try!

Hair Growth Laduti Care Products


Are there also harmful amino acids?

Yes, dextrorotatory amino acids sometimes have a toxic effect: for example, leucine, isoleucine or valine. That's why you should stay away from them!

Can an overdose of a food supplement with amino acids cause harm?

Unfortunately, yes. Excessive long-term consumption of individual amino acids can lead to nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. The intake of amino acids also increases the excretion of calcium in the urine. This can be dangerous if you take too little calcium.

Is it true that amino acids also promote muscle building?

Definitely! Especially for athletes, it is recommended to take amino acids immediately after training. It can also be useful directly before training to prevent premature fatigue.

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