Hair loss at 20 - the possible causes

Hair loss-with-20

Hair loss only affects older people, doesn't it? This is a well-known misconception, because both Men as well as women can already suffer from hair loss at 20 years of age. What causes trigger this, is different. Both the individual lifestyle and hormonal changes can be a reason. Therefore, it should be reacted quickly and a change in the daily routine should be considered.

Hair loss at 20 in men and women

Full hair is not only an important issue for women. Reveal themselves already at the age of 20 years increased hair loss and receding hairlinethis causes frustration and can even lead to depression. Men, too, sometimes define themselves strongly by their hair. When they are young, they try out all kinds of hairstyles. For example, they wear their hair long or try out an undercut. But this only works with the right mane.

It is not only men who suffer from hair loss after 20, women are also affected by the problem of premature hair loss. An early Pregnancy and the associated hormonal changes in the body are possible factors. But many women who suddenly find a large number of hairs in the brush are not yet mothers. There is great concern that a serious illness is hiding behind this. In addition, there is the psychological effect. Bald patches are often more stressful for ladies than for men. Full, strong and long hair stands for both attractiveness and femininity and is often brought to the fore. It is all the more distressing when the hair on the head falls out.

If the strength of the hair roots begins to weaken in your early 20s and hair loss occurs, it is important to react, because often the Causes treatable. This way you can stop the unwanted loss of your hair at an early stage, before the hair thins too much, the receding hairline become stronger or even baldness develops. As a supportive measure, the hormone-free Laduti products.

Laduti Hair Serum

The androgenetic alopecia as a common cause

Even if the likelihood of the so-called androgenetic Alopecia starts at a young age, it is still one of the most common causes. Here we are talking about constitutional orr hereditary hair loss. This means for you: If your parents or grandparents are affected, this can be passed on to the descendants. The proportion of men is about 80 %, that of women about 40 %.

In men, this form of hair loss first appears in the middle of the head. The hair becomes thinner and falls out more and more towards the front, until finally the whole head is affected. Women are much less affected due to their high estrogen levels. However, in exceptional cases, there may be more pronounced manifestations. Similarly to the men, the Hair loss in women first in the middle of the head and moves to the sides of the head as it progresses.

Hair loss due to malnutrition

The hair root and the hair itself are dependent on it with Nutrients and vitamins to be cared for. One's own lifestyle therefore has a particularly strong influence on how beautiful and thick the hair on the head is. If increased hair loss is already apparent in the early 20s, this can be a possible indication of malnutrition be. In many cases, a iron deficiency the trigger. But other trace elements and vitamins must also be supplied in a sufficient amount.

Via a blood test at your trusted doctor you can check your Have vitamin levels determined. This will tell you how well your body is supplied with vitamins and nutrients. If any values deviate from the norm, your hair loss can possibly be counteracted by adding targeted nutrients.

Stress in youth can influence hair loss

From the age of 15, a stressful time begins for many teenagers. School is either slowly coming to an end or the demands on students are increasing. Add to that the worry of what will happen after graduation. Education and college take their toll. The Stress comes insidiously and is often not even noticed, but is always present subliminally. That can also physical effects for example in the form of hair loss. Increasingly, those affected lose whole tufts of hair, sometimes bald patches also form. Where these occur varies from person to person. A first step is to admit your own stress level and to reduce it.

The influence of hormones on the body

Both women and men have to struggle with hormonally induced hair loss from the age of 20. Changes in the body and the pill-taking or pill-discontinuation can have an impact on hair quality. Especially in men, DHT, a metabolite of testosterone, is responsible for the shrinking of hair follicles.

In the best case scenario, you should go through a process of elimination. With the help of a doctor, you can have disease-related factors ruled out. If this is the case, a Change of hormonal preparations possibly lead to the fact that the hair on the head fall out less. The thyroid gland can also be a possible trigger for alopecia in women and men. Alopecia then occurs as a consequence of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.

This can help for early hair loss

Nobody wants to have bald patches on their head in their early 20s or suffer from increased hair loss. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in case of prolonged hair loss. See a doctor and have it checkedwhere the causes lie. In addition, those affected can also make a few changes to ensure that the hair is less stressed.

change one's diet

An healthy lifestyle is an important basis for healthy hair. If you find that your intake of minerals, trace elements and vitamins is too low, you should change your diet and possibly replenish your stores with additional supplements.

Control of the hairbrush

Often also a incorrect care have an effect on the scalp hair. A brush should not irritate the scalp and should also be easy to guide through damp hair. A consultation with an expert will help in finding the right hairbrush.

Hair Care

You can also "over-care" hair. Therefore, be careful not to wash your scalp hair too often. Washing your hair too often will cause your lengths to dry out and the ends to break off. The risk of hair loss thus increases for both women and men. Reduce the complete wash therefore and prefer to wash only your approach every few days. Alternatively, you can use a dry Shampoo use

Use the Latudi shampoo to support your care. The remedy for improved growth strengthens the follicles of your hair. It is hormone-free and does not contain Minoxidil. Thus, your hormone balance is not affected, such as when using drugs like finasteride, and there are no known side effects.

More sleep and less stress

The body usually sends us clear signals when something is wrong, and this also in connection with hair loss. Therefore, listen to your body, treat him more sleep and reduce the Stress.

The prerequisite for counteracting hair loss at the age of 20 is basically a visit to the doctor. This can be done via a Blood work and a Scalp control check whether a disease is possibly the trigger.


Hair loss at the age of 20 can have many reasons. When hair starts to fall out in your early 20s, it comes as a shock at first. Normally, however, the cause can be found out relatively quickly and also treated. To do this, it is important to listen to your body, to see a doctor and to stimulate hair growth by Care, vitamins and nutrients to support.

As a supporting measure we recommend the Laduti Hair Growth Serum without minoxidil for the treatment of hair loss that is not caused by disease or constitution. The risk-free alternative to hair transplantation contains only natural ingredients.

Hair Growth Laduti Care Products

FAQ - Questions and answers

Is early hair loss always hereditary hair loss?

No, hair loss at a young age is not always related to genetic factors. However, the possibility is there.

How can hair loss be counteracted?

In order to be able to counteract hair loss, an examination by a specialist is indispensable. This can also help to adjust the personal lifestyle.

Are hormonal reasons for hair loss possible?

Yes, because both the thyroid gland and hormonal changes in the context of taking medicines or having a Pregnancy, can have an impact on hair quality. In men, testosterone levels in particular play a decisive role.

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