Remedies for hair loss - What really helps?


Many people in Germany suffer from Hair loss - almost 40 percent of all men and about 20 percent of all women. For men over the age of 50, the figure is even over half. Fortunately Hair loss No fate more. There are many different remedies for hair loss - from natural remedies like shampoos, to hair transplants or hair growth products. Learn more about the different hair loss remedies here:

Forms and causes of hair loss

As a rule, each person loses between 80 and 100 hairs a day. With a daily loss of more than 100 hairs, and that over a few weeks, hairless areas develop and it can be spoken of hair loss. In the worst case, hair loss can lead to hairlessness. For many people, especially at a young age, this can be very stressful. Often those affected even react with panic.

There are many causes of hair loss - such as genetic predisposition, infections/diseases, nutrient deficiencies or a weakened immune system due to an unhealthy diet or hormonal balance. The main forms of hair loss are: constitutional, diffuse, circular and scarred hair loss.

Hair loss due to genetic predisposition

The investment or hereditary hair loss is the most common form of hair loss, with a presence of 95 percent in both sexes. It usually begins with the receding hairline at the temples and, in the worst case, can lead to pronounced baldness. Hereditary hair loss often manifests itself at a young age. With increasing age, the hair thinning increases. It can be said: the earlier the hair loss begins, the more severe the progression.

However, the course differs significantly in men and women. While in men the hair loss on the receding hairline begins, in women first thins the crown. However, in women, baldness develops only in the rarest cases.

Diffuse hair loss

With diffuse hair loss, the hair falls out evenly over the entire head - not just in one spot. This form of hair loss occurs particularly in women. In most cases, it starts at the crown or the hairline, just like constitutional hair loss, but it can affect the entire scalp. The causes of diffuse hair loss can be hormonal imbalances following a Pregnancy or Functional disorders of the thyroid gland and Iron deficiency be. Medication can also lead to diffuse hair loss. The influence of Stress is discussed.

Circular hair loss

Circular hair loss is manifested by individual bald and round spots in the hair of the head. Furthermore, this form of hair loss also occurs on the face (for example Barteyebrows and eyelashes) or in the chest, leg and/or arm area. Mainly affected are Children and adolescents, fewer people after the age of 30. In more than 80 per cent of sufferers, the bald patches close up again - but relapses are common. The trigger for this disease can be an autoimmune reaction or inflammation.

Scarred hair loss

This form of hair loss is very rare. It starts from random spots on the head. If the condition is not treated, the areas can grow and fuse together. If the scarring hair loss is detected early, there is a chance to contain it and bring it under control. However, if no action is taken, it can lead to permanent bald patches. The scalp becomes scarred and no more hair can grow.

Natural remedies for hair loss

A good way to counteract hair loss is to use natural remedies. They are gentle to the scalp and due to their natural ingredients usually have no side effects.


Shampoos can strengthen the hair roots, the Stimulate hair growth and care for the scalp. They are especially useful as a support for healthier hair.

They contain stimulating active ingredients that are supposed to accelerate hair growth. These are, for example, caffeine, coconut oil, fenugreek, keratin, argan oil, Zinc and Biotin.

Meanwhile, shampoos against hair loss are available in pharmacies and drugstores. These must be used for several weeks, at best even months, so that results can be achieved. However, one should not expect miracles. The products can strengthen the existing hair and promote hair growth - but they cannot prevent hereditary hair loss. Stop hair loss.

Healthy diet

Especially for Women may experience hair loss be an indicator of a problem in the digestive system. If there is a lack of stomach acid or if the intestinal flora is damaged, nutrient absorption can be impaired. As a result, food is not processed appropriately and necessary nutrients are excreted. This results in a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

It is therefore advisable to balanced and healthy diet. Especially for men, the change from a high-fat to a low-fat diet can dramatically slow down hair loss. With the help of some foods, the hair can be strengthened and hair loss can be counteracted.

For example, European studies have found that Soy proteins stimulate hair growth and strengthen it. The study shows that the growth was increased by 15 percent.

Oatmeal contain important nutrients for the hair - such as zinc, biotin, copper, proteins and B vitamins. Minerals such as iron, potassium and magnesium, which are contained in oats, also additionally promote hair growth. In order to achieve a visible success, oatmeal should be integrated into the diet.

Also Coconut oil, which is enriched with vitamins, minerals and especially saturated fatty acids, can strengthen the hair and help to rebuild the hair structure. The application is very simple - it must be slightly warmed and applied to the scalp. By slowly massaging and the heat, the active ingredients of the oil can pass well to the hair.

Hair Transplant

If hair loss has progressed too far and there are already signs of balding, the last resort a hair transplant. In this procedure, functioning hair follicles (structures that surround the hair root and thus anchor the hair in the skin) are placed on the bald areas of the affected person. After a few months, new hair grows from the transplanted hair follicles. A prerequisite for a hair transplant is that there are still enough functioning follicles that can be transplanted.

The cost of a hair transplant is between 2000 and 8000 euros and is usually not supported by health insurance. The decisive factor for the costs is how many hair roots have to be transplanted.

However, this method carries the risk that the new follicles may also be affected by the hair loss.

Hair Growth Serum - Laduti

There are many products for hair loss, but which ones really help?

Laduti the remedy for hair loss for hair loss that is not caused by disease or constitution, with natural ingredients. At The Hair Growth Serum is suitable for women and men.

Laduti Hair Serum

The serum contains herbal active ingredients and is without Minoxidil and without hormones. With 60 ingredients, in one bottle.

Hair Growth Laduti Care Products

FAQ - Questions and answers

What helps best for hair loss?

Products help for the loss of hair, which stimulate blood circulation in the scalp and provide it with essential nutrients. For hereditary and constitutional hair loss, minoxidil helps, while shampoos with caffeine can also be very helpful. For other types of hair loss, however, the focus should be on remedies that are without side effects, such as our shampoo from Laduti.

What foods can help me lose my hair?

For healthy hair growth, the following nutrients are needed in particular: Omega-3 fatty acids (nuts and fish), protein (meat, eggs, lentils...), vitamin A (vegetables, peppers, carrots, etc. in combination with fat), B vitamins (biotin, which is found in oatmeal, nuts, soybeans, etc.. ), vitamin C (broccoli, peppers, strawberries, oranges...), vitamin D (cod liver oil or from sun exposure...), vitamin E (oils and nuts...), zinc (meat, eggs, cheese...) and iron (meat, pumpkin seeds, lentils...).

What side effects do I have to consider with hair growth products?

When trying to stop the hair loss, there is first an increased loss of hair until the growth process returns to normal. This is also related to the selected agent. Minoxidil, for example, has a stronger effect than natural products, which means that the hair initially falls out more. However, this can also cause headaches, itching or reddening of the skin. Natural substances, on the other hand, are usually free of side effects.

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