Increased hair loss in autumn? These are the triggers

Many women and men may be familiar with the unpleasant discovery: Especially in autumn, more hair than usual can suddenly fall out and end up in the brush. Those affected quickly worry and start to wonder. Is Hair loss in autumn a real phenomenon? Can the dwindling hair really be attributed to the seasons?

These are exactly the topics this blog post is going to be about! First, we will address the question of whether hair loss, even Alopecia called, is actually associated with the darker season and how you can recognize it. Then, the exact connection between hair loss and the autumn season is put under the microscope. Lastly, ways to combat it are presented. After all, hardly anyone is a friend of the infamous Bad Hair Day! In advance, it can be revealed that the body of people affected by hair loss, at least does not undergo a regular change of coat, as is the case with many animals in this season.

Is there special autumn hair loss and how can you recognize it?

First of all, yes, hair loss in the fall is real; the possible connection has been proven. Normally, the average person loses about 80 to 150 hairs per day. In the fall, this number can be exceeded under certain circumstances. However, this does not apply to all women and men. So not everyone suffers from seasonal hair loss. Of course, the hair that you lose during the day, it is difficult to count. Nevertheless, a significantly increased amount of hair loss will be noticeable with a glance in the mirror. This is where the first indication can be seen. If, in addition, the person notices that the hair grows normally again after a while and no longer falls out at an increased rate, there is a good chance that it is hair loss caused by the season. It should be noted that in this case it is always the so-called. diffuse hair loss which is distributed over the entire head of hair - quite in contrast to the optical appearance of receding hairline.

Long-term care in the seasons

Since each season with its three months takes a lot of time, at some point you ask yourself what is the best remedy to care for your hair during this time.

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With our Hair growth serum from Laduti support your hair in every season. Whether in cold or windy autumnal times - to strengthen your hair our product is the optimal helper.

Why do I get hair loss especially in autumn? - Causes and explanations

The reason why more hair falls out, especially in the autumn season, is quite simply the natural hair cycle. Every hair has a growth phase, which usually lasts a few years in healthy hair. After that, the "adult" hair remains untouched for about three months. Finally, the resting phase begins, during which the hair root tries to shed the old hair to make room for a new one. During this period, the hair in question falls out much more easily. This phase is also called Telogen phase.

In the hot SummerWhile often a lot of sun shines on the hair, some roots start prematurely into the telogen phase. The idea behind this is to give the scalp a little rest. Especially in women this process usually begins in July, although, of course, it is not a scale. A few months later, finally, the corresponding hair is finally shed. Due to the simultaneous occurrence of this phenomenon, many hair roots now develops the dreaded diffuse hair loss. After another few months, a new growth phase begins. Of course, it always depends on the individual hair cycle. The same can happen in spring or any other season.

Other possible reasons for hair loss in the fall should also be considered. Vitamin D deficiency for example, is another option. This vitamin is extremely important for the roots of your hair and the process of hair growth. In the fall, the days get darker, as they do in the winter, and people may also tend to get outdoors less. Since vitamin D is especially available through Solar radiation is absorbed, this is as much a natural trigger of hair loss as in the fall. The hair root is simply weakened, which causes you to lose more hair.

Also, consider the sudden cold that can occur not only in winter, but also as early as autumn: By Cold the vessels in the body contract. The entire organism is thus less well supplied with blood - as is the scalp! A scalp with less blood supply also leads to undersupplied roots and hair loss is the result.

What can be done about it? Tips and tricks

Certainty that there is indeed hair loss that can be attributed to autumn is elementary at this point in order to find the right Medium to choose. First, observe yourself: does alopecia occur every year? To do this, you can first wait and see whether the hair falls out less in the next few months and regenerates again. If the hair loss is particularly severe, for example if tufts of hair fall out, a doctor should be consulted for help. Diseases, Stress, wrong nutrition as well as any other nutrient deficiency in the body should be excluded!

Tip 1

However, if there is no doubt that the cause is seasonal, you should reduce direct sun exposure in the summertime. Too much sunbathing is not good for the skin anyway. Alternatively, a suitable Headwear like a summer hat or the more frequent stay in the Shadow already offer sufficient protection. If, on the other hand, the trigger is the autumnal vitamin D deficiency, vitamin supplements can help. Daily walks can also help; after all, daylight (even in cloudy weather) provides the necessary vitamin D supply. Also a corresponding change of the Nutrition can work wonders: Examples of the best foods containing vitamin D are liver, mushrooms, cereals, fish, beef or egg yolks.

Tip 2

If cold is responsible for hair loss, a loose cap is beneficial. If the headgear is too tight, the skin on the head dries out. Also the contact with the hands during a gentle Scalp massage after spending time outdoors can help by stimulating blood circulation and thus activating the function of the hair follicles.

Tip 3

Of course there are various Home remedy and on the market there are also matching
Products for Beauty and hair care - for instance special shampoos - available, which are designed precisely for hair loss in autumn.

Keep calm and be confident

If you suffer from increased hair loss in autumn, remember: this is not an isolated case. Many people are affected! So make sure that you do not go into Stress to get into - there are nothing to worry about. You have a number of ways to combat this, starting with the right hair care products.

Regardless of the approach you want to take to combat your hair loss, a little bit of Patience is essential here! Whether vitamin D deficiency, too much sun exposure in summer, the wrong care or simply freezing hair roots - corresponding countermeasures need time to unfold their effect. An improvement will not occur directly within the next few days. In the meantime, just trust that one of our suggestions will help and your hair will grow back again in full abundance!

For the windy time in autumn you should strengthen your hair optimally. This is best done in the long term with the appropriate care products.

Hair Growth Laduti Care Products

FAQ - Questions and answers

How long does the loss of hair in the fall?

At the windy time of year, there are several telogen hairs on the head due to the sun's rays in the summer. This means that this phase can last from two to four months.

What can you do about hair loss in the fall?

If your hair falls out, you can do a lot for your hair with the right diet, the elimination of a vitamin D deficiency, with a head covering or the appropriate hair care such as our shampoo.

When does seasonal hair loss occur the most?

The telogen hairs appear more often in late summer or autumn. The cause is insufficient protection from solar radiation.

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